
Order of vaccination set out by the CDC. Phase A1 includes vaccination of health care personal, long-term care facility residents. Phase A2 includes vaccination of frontline essential workers, and persons aged 75 or over. CDC

Airborne means that a disease can infect a person through infectious particles in the air. CDC

A type of medication used to kill or prevent the growth of viruses in the body. WebMD

Asymptomatic means there are no symptoms. You are considered asymptomatic if you have an illness or condition but do not have signs of disease present. WebMD

CanSino Biologics, Inc. is a vaccine company founded in Tianjin, China. They are one of the companies in China that are creating COVID-19 vaccines. CansinoBIO

When someone becomes infected with an illness without known contact with the source of the virus. CDC

A confirmed positive case is when the result of a COVID-19 test is confirmed positive by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC

Convalescent plasma is plasma taken from the blood of patients who are recovering from a disease. It can be used to help others who have the same disease since the plasma contains antibodies that fight against it. Convalescent plasma is being used to treat COVID-19. FDA

COVID-19 stands for Coronavirus Disease, the 19 stands for the year the virus was discovered. A common symptom is mild to moderate respiratory illness, like trouble breathing. Elderly and people with underlying medical conditions have a greater chance to develop serious illnesses. WHO

A visual display of data relating to the progression of illness cases associated with the virus outbreak over time. Illness can be presented by day, week, or month. CDC

A term created by the CDC to describe the effects of social distancing interventions to slow down the spread of the disease. The purpose is to ensure hospitals do not get overwhelmed and can treat everyone. WebMD 

When most of a population of an area is immune to a specific infectious disease  providing indirect protection to those not immune. Hopkins

A biotech company that produces COVID-19 vaccine, approved by the FDA. Common side effects reported by people were: pain at the injection site, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, swollen lymph nodes in the same arm as the injection, nausea and vomiting, and fever which lasted for several days. FDA

Monoclonal antibodies are proteins made in a laboratory that help fight against viruses. They are being used to treat COVID-19. CDC

N95 is one of the types of classifications for respirators, such as masks. It means that the respirator will protect against 95% of airborne particles, and is not resistant to oil. CDC

A manufacturing company of COVID-19 vaccine based in Germany. BioNTeach’s Pfizer vaccine is approved by the FDA. Most people reported after their second dose the side effects of pain at the injection site, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, swollen lymph nodes in the same arm as the injection, nausea and vomiting. FDA

PPE stands for “Personal Protective Equipment.” It helps protect people from spreading and catching illnesses. Examples of PPE include masks, gloves, and face shields. FDA 

A presumptive positive case is when the result of a COVID-19 test is positive at a public health laboratory but hasn’t been confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC

An antiviral medication approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat COVID-19. CDC

Sinovac is a vaccine company based in China. They are one of the companies in China that are creating COVID-19 vaccines. Sinovac 

A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce antibodies creating immunity and protection to a specific disease. CDC

Surges in virus cases. Many countries have now experienced three – four waves of COVID-19. WHO