Vaccine Availability Search

Search for vaccine availability at your location using our vaccine search function:

Are you currently trying to find a COVID-19 vaccine but are unsure of whether you’re eligible and where you can get one? This tool is a comprehensive dive into major cities across the world. It’ll help you find available vaccines in your city/country.

COVID-19 vaccines are important for keeping you and your loved ones safe. As the pandemic has spread around the world, killing hundreds of thousands of people, you never know when it might hit and how severe it will be. Taking a vaccine ensures that you stay safe and that you can’t transmit the disease on to others. 

Vaccine Directory

Do you want to learn more about the vaccines themselves? 

Head to our vaccine search to sort vaccines by effectiveness, countries available, the type of vaccine and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is highly recommended to take the vaccine even if the country you are currently in does not require vaccination.
Yes, we are still unaware how long the antibodies last if you have any. Also, there is the potential of getting COVID 19 again.
If you have underlying medical conditions, then you can become vaccinated. If you have a regular sickness, then it is recommended to wait until you have recovered (CDC).


Do you need help understanding terminology like vaccines, pandemic, and more? Visit our Glossary for common terms that people need more information on.

Who are we?

We’re a team of volunteers from around the world – people from high school to senior professionals volunteering to keep this information up-to-date.

This is a Dweebs Global project. Dweebs Global is an international 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides free career development services and free mental health support to anyone in need. Visit Dweebs Global at

Contact us

Have more questions? Or do you have information we can add to our vaccine availability or vaccine search?